- Critical review of analytical models for the in-plane and out-of-plane assessment of URM buildings
- S.. Pampanin ; F. Porta ; A. Bazzurro ; S Lagomarsino ; S. Cattari
- 2015 NZSEE Conference
- Book Title / Journal:
- Year: 2015 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Out-of-plane experimental tests on masonry panels
- S Lagomarsino ; M. Rossi ; S. Degli-Abbati
- Book Title / Journal: 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey
- Year: 2014 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- In-situ Test for the Shear Strength Evaluation of Masonry: the Case of a Building Hit by L’Aquila Earthquake (Italy)
- M. Candela ; S. Cattari ; S Lagomarsino ; M Rossi ; R. Fonti ; E. Pagliuca
- Book Title / Journal: Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal
- Year: 2012 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Keywords: in-situ shear test ; masonry ; in-plane behaviour
- Description
- The assessment of historical masonry mechanical parameters, in particular of the shear strength, is one of the
most critical issues related to historical buildings preservation and safety evaluation in seismic area: this is due to the difficulty in performing reliable tests without making an excessive impact on the structure. Many doubts
related to L’Aquila masonry quality, arisen during post-earthquake rehabilitation and reconstruction, might be
solved by destructive in-situ tests. To this aim, a masonry building severely damaged by the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake was chosen as able to execute an in-situ shear tests. The building has been selected by considering different aspects, like as: safety of worker; accessibility; representativeness of masonry for typical historical buildings in the Abruzzo region. This paper focuses on the procedures to carry out the experimental campaign, the analysis of results and their comparison with reference ranges proposed in the Italian Code for Structural Design.
- A Macroseismic Method for the Vulnerability Assessment of Buildings
- S. Giovinazzi ; S Lagomarsino
- Book Title / Journal: Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Vancouver, B.C., Canada
- Year: 2004 , Volume: , Series:
- Earthquake engineering
- Keywords: Vulnerability assessment ; buildings ; macroseismic method
- Description
- A seismic risk analysis addressed to earthquake emergency management and protection strategies planning, requires territorial scale evaluation; to this aim a macroseismic method for the vulnerability assessment of built-up area is presented. The method is derived, in a conceptually rigorous way, by the use of Probability and of Fuzzy Set Theory, considering Macroseismic Scale definitions. Damage Probability Matrices are evaluated for the six vulnerability classes considered by the EMS98 scale; vulnerability
curves are drawn for these classes and for different building typologies. An analytical equation, interpolating the curves, is introduced as a function of an only one parameter the Vulnerability Index; it correlates the seismic input, in term of Macroseismic Intensity, with the physical damage, summarized by the mean value of the beta distribution. An average Vulnerability Index is associated to each building
typology, which may be refined on the basis of a seismic behavior modifier factor, and of a regional factor. A different uncertainty is associated with the vulnerability assessment and the consequent damage evaluation depending on the quantity and quality of data available for the analysis. By the use of statistical correlations, consequences scenarios (collapse, unfit for use buildings, deaths and injuries, homeless) and physical losses can be estimated.