On Wednesday January 8, a wall collapsed and fall onto the Town Street in Bramcote at the “Devil’s Bend’ spot resulting in the closure of the road. The incident on the Nottinghamshire road immediately alerted the police which promptly arrived at the site. Fortunately, no injuries or damage were reported. It should be noted that last spring authorities had closed the same road as a different section of this wall had collapsed. The road reopened in June after repairs and additional work by National Grid.
As of the latest incident on Wednesday, the highways manager stated that, due to recent adverse weather and erosion of the sandstone wall, a small part of the wall near the section that was repaired last year, collapsed. The manager added that on Thursday highways engineers visited the site to inspect the wall and evaluate the damage and prepare a repair plan. The goal is for the road to be opened with temporary traffic signals after the preparation of repairing plan.
Sources: bbc.com, nottinghampost.com
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